
新献立・ご提供A5飛騨牛を公開 New menu and offering A5 Hida beef is now available.

新献立・ご提供A5飛騨牛を公開 New menu and offering A5 Hida beef is now available.



【先付け】エゴマ豆腐 エゴマ味噌 菜の花お浸し
【飛騨牛】ウデ ランプ 肩ロース リブロース 豚バラ 鶏モモ
焼き野菜 茄子 南京ズッキーニ パプリカ2品 エレンギ 王葱タレ 山葵 征塩
【造り】鮪 烏賊 大葉 海草 山葵
【温物】トリフ茶碗蒸し 青味 法蓮草
【焼き物】サーモンタルタルソース山菜焼き レモン 花蓮根
【果物】苺プリン 苺 ホイップ ミント 変更あり
【サラダバー】キャベツミックス ミニトマト 胡瓜 キャロット オニオンスライス コーン 白菜キムチ 変更あり
ソース 胡麻ドレッシング 蕪ド‘レッシング
【麺物】ーロ蕎麦 滑子 食い出汁
【漬物】キムチ 赤蕪 野沢菜
【汁物】赤だし キノコ色々
【ご飯】飛騨コシヒカリ 四季の味ご飯 刻み揚




Thank you very much for your continued patronage of Ryokan Gizan.
We are pleased to inform you of the menu that will be offered at Ryokan Kiyama after the construction renovation.

The highlight of the menu after the reopening will be the A5 Hida beef barbeque dinner.
The menu will include ude, rump, shoulder loin, ribeye, and other cuts of beef for your luxurious enjoyment.
Please note that some items may be subject to availability.

【appetizer】Egoma Tofu with Egoma Miso and Soaked Rape Flower
【Hida beef】Beef of ude,Rump,Shoulder,Rib roast, Pork belly Chicken thigh
Grilled vegetables, eggplant, Nanjing zucchini, 2 bell peppers, Erengi, king leek sauce, wasabi, conquered salt
【Sashimi】tuna, squid, shiso leaves, seaweed, wasabi
【Warm food】steamed egg custard with trifles, greens, spinach
【Grill】Salmon Tartar Sauce with Grilled Wild Vegetables, Lemon, Lotus Root
【Fruit】Strawberry pudding, strawberry, whipped, mint ※changeable
【Salad bar】mixed cabbage, small tomatoes, cucumber, carrots, onion slices, corn, Chinese cabbage kimchi ※changeable
Sauce is sesame dressing, turnip dressing
【noodle soup】Soba noodle, Nameko, and Dashi soup
【tsukemono】kimchi, red turnip, nozawana
【soup】red soup stock, various mushrooms
【cooked rice】Hida Koshihikari rice with seasonal flavor , chopped deep-fried tofu

We have already received many reservations after the renovation, and we thank you very much for your patronage.

We hope that you will have a more comfortable and heartwarming time than ever before under the new look,

We are looking forward to your visit.
We sincerely look forward to your visit.

Ryokan Gizan